China at its Limits - sinokultur

China at its Limits
Matthias Messmer und Hsinmei Zhuang
Project Type
May 2018
Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang

There are seemingly no limits to China’s rise as a superpower. But the empire’s ambitions are being tested along its borders, where ruins of mysterious splendor and phantoms of ongoing tensions are overshadowed by the grandeur of China’s ascent. Highways are being built over forgotten battlefields and derelict shrines to link the country with the world. In this unusual volume, the destinies and landscapes shaped by an empire’s upheavals are portrayed intimately. Evocative photographs reveal the sentiments and sensibilities of China’s periphery, where a new world order is bourgeoning.

May 2018
ISBN 978-3-7356-0404-0
24,00 × 28,00 cm
416 Pages
346 colored and 58 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: English

Matthias Messmer, Hsin-Mei Chuang

Text by
Matthias Messmer & Hsin-Mei Chuang

Design by
Vera Reifler, Basel & Marjeta Morinc, Zürich

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