In unserer Agenda findest du aktuelle kulturelle Veranstaltungen mit Bezug zur chinesischen Kultur in der Schweiz. Wir bemühen uns interessante Anlässe in unsere Agenda aufzunehmen und sind für Hinweise dankbar.
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Exhibition: Jiaxi Han


The Chinese artist Jiaxi Han will show her works in the duo-exhibition "There Is No Rain, Where I’m Coming From" at Eleven Ten Studio in Basel from 31 Oct to 23 Nov, 2024.

The other exhibiting artist is Lucero Barrientos. 

Two artists' practices intersect at the crossroads of heritage, memory, and cross-cultural exchange. The exhibition explores the nuanced relationships between ancient traditions and contemporary identity, offering viewers an immersive dialogue between past and present.

Jiaxi Han will present a collection of batik works inspired by Glarner Tüechli, reinterpreting traditional Swiss patterns and textile history through Miao batik techniques from her hometown in Guizhou, Southwest China. This series combines natural indigo dye with hand-drawn beeswax applications, highlighting the cross-cultural interchange between Swiss and Miao traditions. In addition, Han will showcase two new works specifically centered on Basel's rich history in textile production and dyeing. These pieces blend various techniques and cultural elements, including papercutting, embroidery pattern research and batik, reflecting her ongoing exploration of heritage and craft in new contexts.

Vernissage: October 31st from 6pm.

Location: Eleven Ten Studio, Feldbergstrasse 86, Basel

For more info click:

Members-only Apéro


We are very happy to invite our members and partner organisations to our annual members-only Apéro on Thursday, December 12 from 6.30pm to 10pm in our Salon in Zurich! 

Please join us for this evening filled with live music, food & drink and inspiring conversations. The musicians Wang Xiaojing and Wenqi Zhao will play on the Erhu and piano for us. And our culinary advisor Ivo Jud will spoil you with his creations.

Wang Xiaojing, who is one of the founding members of sinokultur and was originally trained as a professional musician, will play on the Erhu: The Chinese Fiddle Erhu 二胡 èrhú, (literally: two-stringed instrument of the barbarians) is a string instrument that has neither frets nor a fingerboard. Wenqi Zhao is a soloist, chamber musician and vocal art direction, she plays regularly in Asia and Europe. Wenqi also works as a piano teacher.

Ivo Jud will treat us to his homemade Negroni Concoctions. Furthermore he will sell his Negroni and his new book Kochen, Lesen & Negroni Dudeln (2024). 

This event is for members only. You can still sign up for membership and join our event:

Please buy a ticket for a small contribution towards our expenses: Click here for tickets

Location: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zürich

sinokultur art talk: Xu Yang


sinokultur would like to invite you to an artist talk with Xu Yang from London on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 6.30 pm at O-HA in Zurich.

Xu Yang is a London-based Chinese multi-disciplinary artist creating artwork with political undercurrents. Challenging - and being in contra to - her Asian upbringing, Xu uses her queer identity to investigate what is femininity? What is a social construct? And to consider whether what we see online is real.

Inspired by and referencing 17th and 18th century western art history, often seen via the male gaze, Xu is also influenced by drag performance, theatre and cabaret. Using herself as a model, Xu explores through painting, performance and photography the position of women in contemporary society and pop culture. Transforming her body-shape with silicone breasts, corsets, hip pads, wigs and make-up allows for an investigation of the idealised female figure and social media’s use of Photoshop and image filters to body shame, and to reshape the value of the female.

Probing themes of power and identity and the dialogue between painting’s contemporary iterations and its history, there is a concern with the emotional response triggered and the potential for its reinterpretation and translation.

Xu Yang (born 1996, Shandong) lives and works in London, UK. She studied Fine Art Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL) and graduated with an MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art in 2020. Xu was recently awarded a commission by Tate Collective for LGBTQIA+ history month (2023).

The talk will be moderated by Yunlong Song. Yunlong is a translator/interpreter, and moderator. In addition to his work for sinokultur, he works as a freelance filmmaker.

Photos and text are courtesy and copyright of the artist Xu Yang.

Location: O-HA, Mühlebachstrasse 14, 8008 Zurich

For tickets click here

sinokultur im Salon: Eva Schestag


sinokultur lädt dich ein am Donnerstag, 27. März um 18.30 Uhr unseren Salon mit der deutschen Übersetzerin und Sinologin Eva Schestag zu besuchen. Im Gespräch mit Yunlong Song stellt Eva Schestag Can Xues Erzählkunst in ihren poetischen und philosophischen Aspekten vor.

Can Xue, 1953 in Changsha geboren, gehört zu den wichtigsten Autorinnen im zeitgenössischen China. Sie schreibt experimentelle, avantgardistische Prosa. Im Vorfeld der Verleihung des Literaturnobelpreises steht ihr Name regelmäßig auf den Listen der Buchmacher, im Jahr 2024 ganz oben. 

»Schattenvolk« ist eine Sammlung von 16 in einem Zeitraum von 20 Jahren verstreut erschienenen Erzählungen, die Eva Schestag ins Deutsche übertragen hat (Matthes & Seitz Berlin, 2024). Eine Ratte streift durch die dunklen Gassen und Häuser eines unterirdischen Slums und berichtet von ihren Ängsten und Erinnerungen, Sehnsüchten und skurrilen Begegnungen. Diese und andere Figuren, meist Randgestalten, die alltäglicher und zugleich fantastischer nicht sein könnten, bewegen sich traumwandlerisch in einer von den Gesetzen der Logik befreiten, in schillernden Tönen erzählten Welt.

Eva Schestag hat Sinologie in München, Nanjing, Zürich und Taipeh studiert. Sie übersetzt Lyrik und Prosa aus dem klassischen und modernen Chinesischen sowie aus dem Englischen. Ihre Arbeit wurde vielfach durch Stipendien und Residenzen, unter anderem der Fondation Jan Michalski und der Roger Willemsen Stiftung, ausgezeichnet. Als Gastdozentin für literarisches Übersetzen lehrte sie am Institut für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft der Goethe Universität.

Zu ihren wichtigsten Publikationen gehören die vierbändige Anthologie »Sammlung Chinesischer Klassiker« (S. Fischer, 2009), der klassische chinesische Roman »Die Drei Reiche« (S. Fischer 2017), das »Manifest ohne Grenzen« des Künstlers Ai Weiwei (kursbuch.edition, 2019), sowie »Schattenvolk« von Can Xue, der bedeutendsten Vertreterin der experimentellen literarischen Avantgarde Chinas (Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2024). 

Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.

Ort: sinokultur, Klosbachstrasse 109, 8032 Zürich

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